Arcane University:Arcane Roles

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Revision as of 19:37, 15 February 2021 by Naariel (talk | contribs) (created a page with information about the arcane roles that can be awarded to students in the arcane university)
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The Arcane University may grant special roles to Students in order to display and honour their hard work, enthusiasm to learn and progression of skills.

The roles awarded to the students are Arcane Scribe, Arcane Mystic and Arcane Praxographicalist.

What is expected of each role?

A Scribe is a student who has shown they are genuinely interested in learning chosen subject.

A Mystic is a student who is halfway along the journey from scribe to praxographicalist.

A Praxographicalist is a student who's skill and knowledge is on a level high enough to be 99% guaranteed acceptance into any partner project currently accepting members of their discipline. They know their craft and what to do. They are an asset - not a hindrance.

Additionally, a student becomes an Alumni when they are officially accepted to a partner project in the primary role in which they've been a student.

2D Requirements

Arcane Scribe

  • Complete one easy (or higher) Concept Art test claim
  • Incorporate feedback
  • Understand and follow the basic concept art workflow
  • Up to teachers discretion

Arcane Mystic

  • Complete one medium (or higher) Concept Art claim
  • Incorporate Feedback
  • Active for 3+ weeks
  • Understand and follow the concept art workflow.
  • Display technical skill to accurately portray basic and medium level shapes
  • Has technical skill to complete easy claims without technical feedback
  • Up to teachers discretion

Arcane Praxographicalist

  • Complete a hard Concept Art claim
  • Complete claims from three different claim categories
  • Incorporate feedback
  • Complete a medium claim with only design feedback
  • Self sufficient - does their own research, actively using internal and outside resources to improve their skills.
  • Active for 5+ weeks
  • Understand the concept art workflow.
  • Understand what makes a good design
  • Work within the boundaries and the style of Skyrim
  • Display a Mastery of shapes, colours and 2D basics
  • Up to teachers discretion

All promotions must be agreed upon between the teachers, and if they feel the student is not quite ready even though they have fulfilled the technical requirements, they are at liberty to wait until the student has improved enough.

3D Requirements

To be determined.

Writers Requirements

Writers requirements may be viewed in the #game-writing channel on the Arcane University Discord, or by clicking on this thumbnail.

Game Writers Role Chart