Arcane University: Concept Art Theory and Tutorials

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< Arcane University:Concept Art

Here you will find external resources on a variety of 2D subjects for beginners and experienced artists alike.

Concept art is all about creating designs that work - but how do you know what works? Why does it work? There are things you need to know if you want to create good concepts. Below you will find links to various places where you can expand your knowledge.

Digital Libraries

Extensive video libraries that cover a multitude of subjects with short videos. If you watch all of these you will be more than ready to apply for a project. Depending on your skill level you may want to watch all of them or pick out specific ones.


For those who learn by reading rather than watching. These may be available at your local library.


Fundamentals are essential and required knowledge for anyone who wants to create good designs. Consider these mandatory.

Concept Art

Resources specifically aimed at bettering your Concept Art skills. Highly recommended!

Traditional Medium

Resources specifically for the artists working with traditional mediums such as pen and paper.

Further Learning

“The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.” – Michel Legrand

  • FZD Design talks about concept art in the industry.

--- More about Values ---

--- More about Color and Light ---