Arcane University: Nif Implementation

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Revision as of 15:56, 28 August 2020 by Candoran2 (talk | contribs) (Added trail and removed manual categories. Fixed up reference to quests, where it should have said implementing meshes.)
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< Arcane University:Implementation

This is the main page of the Beyond Skyrim Arcane University Nif tutorials. It serves as hub for the standard workflow and pointers to detailed specific tutorials for Nif Implementation. The Arcane University: Implementation department is structured in three sub-departments:

Workflow & general tutorials

What is important/relevant to learn for implementing (complex) meshes in Skyrim. Within Beyond Skyrim, 3D artists are expected to be able to export their own meshes to nifs, if they are simple enough. However, for some complex to implement meshes, like animated meshes or meshes with particle effects, it may fall on an implementer to bring this into Skyrim. Other partner projects of the AU may have the entire responsibility of bringing a mesh from fbx to in-game fall on the implementer's shoulder. Therefore, the first thing you should know is how to export to nif from a 3D program or from a predefined format like fbx.

Other subjects covered will be:

  • animation
  • polishing (UV, shader faces, tangent spaces, sanitize, correct names...)
  • special effect nodes

specific topics tutorials

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