Difference between revisions of "Staff"

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(Level Design Teachers)
(Changed triumvirate to new members, removed teachers who left and added new teachers.)
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===2D Teachers===
===2D Teachers===
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*David Pynkoski
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*Thingy Person
===Level Design Teachers===
===Level Design Teachers===
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Revision as of 17:36, 15 February 2021

The Staff of Beyond Skyrim are the people working on the game projects non-commercially.

Team Leads

  • Atmora: Hannes821
  • Black Marsh: Larrian, Meglos and Rubaedo
  • Cyrodiil: 1shoedpunk
  • Elsweyr: Robcbwilson
  • Iliac Bay: Sage of Ice and Ub3rman
  • Morrowind: Larrian, Meglos and Rubaedo
  • Roscrea: Claire

Teachers of the AU


  • ComatoseHuman
  • LeftOverPat
  • opusGlass

2D Teachers

  • hug.ham
  • Sol
  • DalSifoDyas
  • Naariel
  • Wugrash
  • Sotha Sil
  • Spindarella

3D Teachers

  • Asher Cypress
  • Astolf
  • Bartalon
  • ComatoseHuman
  • David Pynkoski
  • Escha
  • Hype
  • Jon_R
  • Larrian
  • Ludo
  • Noctis
  • Tobikubi
  • Sarthes Arai
  • Sheogorath
  • Winedave

Animation Teachers

  • Asher Cypress
  • opusGlass

Audio Teachers

  • Alex Jordon
  • Arūnas
  • Eric Gordon Berg
  • Guin
  • Jani (Yaranik)
  • Seoli
  • Shinozoku
  • TrivialGalaxy

Implementation Teachers

  • Candoran2
  • ComatoseHuman
  • DKnight13
  • Joseph Russel
  • km816
  • Notoh
  • Pempelune
  • Skywalker
  • Thingy Person
  • Woni

Level Design Teachers

  • Bellatrix
  • Claire
  • Firenight
  • Liam
  • MrJGT
  • Nugamentum
  • Pedro
  • Robcbwilson
  • Skywalker
  • Tyber
  • ub3rman123
  • Xahtax
  • Zix

Music Teachers

  • Seoli
  • Shinozoku
  • TrivialGalaxy

Quest Design Teachers

  • Amicus
  • Kay
  • Deagler
  • LeftoverPat
  • rockbiter68
  • Wyatt

Voice Acting Teachers

  • Complete the Circuit
  • Joseph Russel
  • Shinozoku
  • Trendane

No Subject Specified

  • kettlewitch

